Saturday, January 8, 2011

New Years Reflection and Goals

I have attained many accomplishments and achievements in and out of school. I have learned how to be opened about doing new things, learn new skills to enhance my performances in school and around other people, and how to see things on a different perspective. It was a very fast year considering that so much can happen in so little time. I knew there had to be changes made for myself and I still have a long way to go to learn the even bigger things in life. Even if I am still in the second chapter of my life, the events that I went through in the year 2010 has changed me in so many ways because of these very reasons.

I learned so much in 2010. I took advice I was given by others on how to open up to people who I do not normally talk to. I have always wanted to be a strong person. What I mean by wanting to be a stronger person is to be able to do things without the hesitation of hiding in a shell away from a group. I wanted to learn how to be more open-minded towards new upcoming opportunities that will benefit me now and for the future. Before I came across the year 2010, I was noticed as a scared, lost, complicated, and a very confused person. I realized that my life before wasn't so great. I have made so many brainless mistakes and was penalized for it. But then there was a person who reached out to me and noticed that I needed help. She was a very good friend of mine who knew me ever since the start of elementary school. She knew me to be a person of pride and happiness and never letting anyone step on me. The only thing was that her and I didn't really keep in touch after we went our separate ways for high school. So she decided to call me during the start of the year 2010 to see how I was doing, and I told her I wasn't doing so good with my personal problems. She gave me advice on opening up to more people. She said the more I talk to those who I trust and let out the negative energy out of my system in a good way, I'd feel better about myself. She told me I would be able to talk to anyone without being so scared of what others would think of me if I did this for myself. She also mentioned to me that if I keep negative energy building up inside me more, I would probably lose my mind and take it out on people who are there trying to help me out. Because I took her advice, I am now able to talk to more people with confidence and relief, setting my personal situations aside from being the happy person I was before all the problems started.

If it weren't for those who have guided me throughout all the years of my life, like friends or teachers or mentors and those who are older in which I look up to, I wouldn’t be the type person I am today. Because of the certain dramatic conflicts I had to undergo this year and years before, I have finally realized that I am a strong person after all. I took my chances to clear my mind to let more important things enter into it. I did not want to think about the bad things that bother me the most. What I did to do so was to keep myself extremely busy. I attempted to complete all homework from school, asked for more things to do at my Co-operative Education job at Green Galaxy Design Co. At the end of each day, it seems that no matter what I do to keep myself busy, bad thoughts of my personal situations kept coming back. Up until now they still do, but I forced myself to accept the fact that some problems are not mine to handle. My personal conflicts involve home life and a handful of misunderstandings concerning my social affairs. It is the main factor that is preventing me to enhance my performances to do well in school and at work. Therefore this is a goal for me yet to accomplish in the future. What I learned here was that people change if they want to, not when they are forced to. In this case, I want to change for my own good. What I learned in school and my job for Co-op was confidence gaining, discipline, and trusting myself to do things more efficiently. I put myself down a lot. I convince myself that I cant do things and give up because of mind freezes and emotional insecurities. My teachers and my supervisors at work are the ones who push me upward with feedback and advice. They can see how I do things whether if it is proper or sloppy, and they tell me what I can do to improve. So in order for me to do better, I will listen and act upon the advices and feedback I receive like a mature adult. 

Convincing myself that I am so weak and so incapable of doing certain things would always bother me. Now that I've realized how ridiculous that sounds, it just makes me want to do way better and think more differently. I took the advice of an elder to look at things more positively. He told me to think of it as if I can pretend to be a really happy person. He believes if you pretend to be happy, your brain chooses to believe that you are happy, depending on how willing you are to move on. The key to this point is to realize things in a different perspective. Since I always look at things with a negative feel, I experimented by switching to a positive perspective. Believe it or not, it worked for me. I realized a lot of things; being positive can enhance many things. I proved this by going up on my failing mark in math by 21 percent. I can smile more than usual and I seem to be more friendly and more open to anyone who sparks up a conversation with me. I feel comfortable with who I am now. 

My future interest and goals in 2010 are quite the same as to what I was reaching for the year before. I still want to pursue my studies in Graphic Design to develop a career in that field. The main goal that I wanted to achieve was to be consistent with my marks. This concerned me the most because I was going through a lot. I did my best to complete my homework on time with accuracy, and study for tests avoiding to do it last minute. I created and brainstormed different ways on how to study better by using the internet for answers. Doing this somewhat helped me, since my focus was drifting so many directions.

For this new year of 2011, I have three goals I want to make sure I achieve. Those goals are to be more focused on school and work, staying consistent with my marks, and to make sure I develop more strategies on being more successful. In order for me to achieve these goals, I plan to block and turn down any negativity that lurks in my path to become more successful. The last thing I want is to grow backwards. I plan to be more focused; buying new books and relying on the internet for answers on how to be more successful will help me expand my mind to the more important things in life and my life in general. For developing more strategies, I bought myself a book about creativity that will really help me on breaking mind blocks that include exercises I can try out for myself. This will really benefit me for brainstorming more interesting methodical ideas in my Graphic Design assignments.

One prediction that I have in mind for this year is that I will look back at all of the things that have happened to me before and compare it to what I am and what I have now. All my life I've been changing, but this specific year is a special one. It is my last year here at Marshall McLuhan, and I want to make a difference that I can be proud of. Looking back at my life before is a good method for me to advance. I will be more successful. I have many plans that I want to meet, and my first step is to change.